Durham Food Gets a Highlight Here. Your thoughts?

By Kelly Lane

Recently I decided to ask some people in the office nonchalantly “Anybody have some good places to eat in Durham, off the top of your head?” Wow, it is a good thing that I had a pen and paper at my fingertips at that exact second because between 3 people, I got 6 recommendations very casually. This is not a “Top Eateries To Check Out” list, this is me asking YOU if you’ve visited these places and should I make the drive over yonder (I’m closer to Wake Forest). Here are a few suggestions I got:

Bleu Olive : Being told that this establishment uses locally sourced products got my attention right away. It is Mediterranean cuisine with the owners being a Greek family, which is my second reason for really wanting to try it. I looove these types of dishes, especially with pepperoncini and feta. Off-the-beaten-track was the third reason I was salivating. Apparently needing to purposely look for it, or happen to stumble upon it, which is more unlikely, the location is inconspicuously in a shopping center area. Also good to note: they are closed on Sundays, according to the website. The menu they posted made my mouth water. This is definitely a place I’d like to support. https://bleuolivebistro.com

Kingfisher : Described immediately as a speak-easy-type of place, in a basement, in downtown Durham. Yes, please! I don’t usually partake in hard liquor, but with the drink descriptions on their menu and touted as a 2023 James Beard Outstanding Bar Award Semifinalist, I just may have to try one. They are a big supporter of artistry with their installment program and exhibitions as well as use local farmers to source herbs and ingredients for their creations. I will likely check this out as well. https://www.kingfisherdurham.com

Ponysaurus Brewing Co.: Where do I even start with this one? Immediately upon seeing the front page of their site, I see “The Beer Beer Would Drink If Beer Could Drink Beer” and I knew I was home. Being a Gen X-er from the Boston area, I crave a bit humour with my beer (“Your Cousin From Boston” Sam Adams commercials, Anyone??? Bueller??). They offer small event nights, such as every Wednesday it is Music Bingo!!!! Want to run off your beer, or run then have a beer? Well, the Pony Run will likely quench that desire. Don’t forget the Monthly Brewery Tours with “beer tasting, free jokes, magical beer knowledge, and YOU!” I’m so there.


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